GS Main Test Series
Pedagogy of the GS Main Test Series
The Main Examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual traits and depth of understanding of candidates rather than merely the range of their information and memory. The nature and standard of questions in the General Studies papers will be such as to test a candidate’s general awareness of a variety of subjects, which will have relevance for a career in Civil Services. The questions are likely to test the candidate’s basic understanding of all relevant issues, and ability to analyze, and take a view on conflicting socio- economic goals, objectives and demands.
Accordingly, Anushka IAS Academy, with the vast experience at its disposal, is able to guide the students writing the Main exam in a comprehensive manner so that their answer writing skills are pruned, polished and made exam-oriented.
Questions are framed in such a manner as to judge the depth of understanding of candidates relating to the topic in question.
Evaluation and Explanation
Before the evaluation takes place the subject experts take 2-3 hours duration discussion of the test questions wherein they discuss with the students regarding the ideal answers which could be written. They also lay emphasis on the fact that the content of the answer is more important than its length, which is also the often repeated instruction in the UPSC CSE Main Exam question papers. It is our constant endeavour to check and evaluate the candidates’ answer scripts according to the above adage. A students answer paper undergoes a two layer process of checking and review, in relations to the students test performance. Detailed suggestions on the students performance is usually written in the answer scripts wherever required.
Model Answers
Model answers are also provided and uploaded on the website for the benefit of the students. Evaluation and feedback system is designed to provide relevant insights and feedback to each candidate as per his/her performance.
Exhaustive discussions by the experts/teachers are held every week after the test to provide a roadmap of ideal approach requiring conceptual clarity and interdisciplinary interlinking on the topics asked in the test series. Brain-storming and doubt-clearing on the topics where more clarity is required, is the natural outcome of such discussions. Model answers are provided to the students during such discussions and such model answers are also sent to the students taking postal test series.
Evaluation and Review for Online GS Main Test Series: Evaluation and Review, both are done online and the suggestions are typed on the copies they have uploaded. The students even have the option of meeting/emailing the reviewers for any extra clarifications.
The Evaluation and Review work is done by a team which is actively engaged in teaching or content preparation having at least the experience of the Civil Services Interview.